Iris germanica

Bearded Iris

I don’t look forward to anything in the gardening more than the blooming bearded irises. The glittery petals and vibrant colors are fascinating, but it is the fragrance I am most enamored with. You may not notice it much unless you’re either standing in a field full of them, or you stick your nose right over a bloom and sniff. If you can’t imagine the scent of bearded irises right now, you’ve probably never done this. Do yourself a favor, and the next time it is May or June, be sure to investigate as many as you can with your nose. The scent is wonderful, and every variety is a little different. The light blues are my favorite— they have a sort of bright perfumy fragrance— while the dark purples take on a deeper, more subtle, almost chocolate or root beer smell. Bearded irises are highly deer resistant. If they were not, I assure you there would be no flowers in this photograph.

$5 pint

$7 quart

$10 gallon

  • Full sun to part sun

  • Zone 3

  • Rhizomatous perennial